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Last Friday, the Trump administration took the extraordinary measure- if you ask the media- of banning the Associated Press from the Oval Office and Air Force One, which means that the AP will not be able to travel with the rest of the White House Press Corps on Air Force One and will not have a presence in any Oval Office ceremony or presser. On it's face it is pretty surprising, but when you dissect the facts, perhaps it's not.
The tipping point came when the AP refused to call the body of water off the west coast of Florida by its now lawful name, The Gulf of America. Naturally, the media has portrayed the Trump White House as being petty and vindictive, but there is far more to it than that.
You've probably never heard of the AP Stylebook, now in its 57th printed edition. It is considered the holy grail for journalists, outlining parameters for reporting and editing, with detailed chapters on covering sports, business, politics, religion, and health and science topics. It also has instruction for punctuation, data journalism, inclusive storytelling, news values, polls and surveys. It is considered the gold standard for the media. It achieved that reputation in another, long lost era, one that ended- like most supposed objectivity in the media- during the Obama Administration.
Like most of the rest of the media, the AP Stylebook went "woke," and used its platform, reputation, and gravitas to shape the news, instead of reporting it, and drive leftist narratives.
There are so many instances, but let's cover a couple of examples.
Unlike their ignoring Trump's proclamation regarding the Gulf of America, the AP had no problem changing the stylebook to reflect the Ukrainian government's preferred name for their capitol, KYIV, instead of KIEV. The AP fell right in line for Zelinskyy, but when it came to Trump lawfully renaming the Gulf, the AP refused, citing "free speech."
The AP's bias in changing their stylebook extends to transgenderism, banning the word as it frames the issue as biological, instead of ideological, ignoring what is a mental illness and justifying calling sex change operations "gender affirming care." Other examples include banning the words "terrorism" when talking about the Palestinians, "riots" when talking about BLM or Antifa, "illegal alien, chain migration," and the lie that the "climate crisis-" their words, not mine- is caused by humans.
The AP fancies itself as the gold standard for global news reporting, and propagates the lie that it is fair and balanced, when in fact it has attempted to codify the left's politically correct Marxist phrasing and politically charged narratives. The epidemic was systemic, and now, thanks to President Trump, it has been exposed yet again for all to see. All it took was changing the name of a body of water, right? Not really. What it really took was for Trump to overcome incredible odds, never back down, win the election, and demonstrate real leadership by exposing the media and academia for the insurrectionists they really are.
Thanks to that, and the cultural change back toward traditional American values, traditional gender roles, capitalism, and patriotism, news consumers like you, our listeners, have shunned the legacy media and are seeking and consuming news in other, more truthful and thorough, media outlets.
You might even say that thanks to President Trump, the Stylebook is now out of style.